The Fall of Rome

From the movie "The Fall of Rome" 1964
Welcome to PJH The Fall of Rome!  We begin our journey here (remember Rome? - you should have studied Rome in the 6th grade)!  The journey through the rich history of Rome continues as we pick up the story with Augustus Caesar - the first emperor of Rome

Why Rome?
Rome is the beginning of our adventure because it represents modern society in many ways - through its form of government, written laws, architecture, engineering, and of course, the language of latin, which  is the source of many modern languages spoken today.  The Romans had various forms of entertainment we enjoy today including theater, chariot racing (ever heard of NASCAR?) and gladiator games.

But Rome also gives us many examples of failure . . . as a result of corruption (a decay of people's values), rapid growth, slavery, disease, and invasion.   The rise and fall of the Roman Empire gives us a picture of empires and dynasties throughout history, and helps us understand the many dynamics involved - including geography, technology, economics, trade, warfare, religion, and politics.  

There are many movies about Rome (did you ever see Gladiator?) as well as many History Channel videos.   Unfortunately, not all of them are good and appropriate for junior high viewing, nor is the history of Rome always about the good in people.  Romans did some terrible things.  But, they also provided many good examples in their desire to create an advanced society that provided for the basic needs of their people (clean drinking water for example).

As we take this journey together, try to imagine yourself as a Roman citizen, protected by the laws of Rome, and challenged to be a loyal, productive member of Roman society.  You may find that you have quite a bit in common with the ancient Romans!  For more information on Roman life, culture, and society, see the links below: